Wingman's & Friends 2004 Hunting Adventures

These are some of my Hunting pictures from our 2004 trips

This is my Hunting Buddy Bill's new Hunting Cabin we just built in Mo. Sided With Mossy Oak camo

My Bearded hen 12 lbs with a 6 1/4" beard.........................Ricks first Bird 18lb Jake 5" bead........Ricks 2nd Bird 23.5lbs with 10 1/2" beard 1" spurs.

My 22 lb Bird 10 1/2 beard and Bill's 17.5 lb Bird 10 1/2 beard, Terry's bird 20lbs 10 1/2 " beard 1 1/4" spurs

Timbo & Carla and some birds timbo got in LA.

Some birds from MO.

Some of our Deer so far this year.










  Created by Wingman