Wingman's Bow Hunting Trophy Room

I enjoy Bow Hunting although I do hunt with a shotgun one week end of the year in southern Illinois for Deer. I prefer the challenge of bow hunting. The bow that I use now is a Golden Eagle Split Fire 1, Boododle Pro 500 Rest, H H A Optimizer Sight, Oki 8" 10oz stabilizer, Wasp Cam lock Broadheads, And Carbon Tec Arrows. At 62 lbs.With a 30" draw length.

Here are some of the animals that I have taken enjoy. The challenge is in the hunt.

I Believe that any animal that you take with a Bow and Arrow is a Trophy.

1999 Turkey Mo.......1998 Wild Hog Tn...........1996 Black Bear Canada......1995 IL Whitetail

1968 Dodge Travco Mobil Hunting Lodge......Mo. Turkey 2000........2000 IL Whitetail